How To Set Up Utilities For The First Time in Japan And More

How To Set Up Utilities For The First Time in Japan And More

How To Set Up Utilities For The First Time in Japan

Setting up utilities in Japan is essential when moving into a new apartment, house, or akiya

Applying for these utilities is easy but can be a little stressful for the first time, especially if you do not speak Japanese.

We have the perfect guide for you on how to set up utilities for the first time in Japan.

What kind of utilities need to be set up beforehand?

Common utilities to set up

Water, electricity, and gas are common utilities to set up before your move-in date.

After moving in, other utilities, such as internet, telephone, and cable TV, can be set up.

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What to know before applying for utilities in Japan

Before you move into your new place in Japan, you should apply for your utilities at least two weeks before you move in.

The real estate company would have given you information on which utility company to contact. All these companies will need this information to process your application:

  • Full name

  • Address

  • Date to start the service

  • Phone number

Many major utility companies have an online application that you can use.

Overall, you should register for essential utilities in Japan before moving into your new home or apartment to avoid getting stuck without access to these utilities.

How to find your utility providers

Generally, your real estate agent or the property management company will have a list of utility providers for you to use. In some cases, there may be only one option for electricity, gas, and water.

You can search for your providers by typing [location市 or 区] 電気・ガス・水道 into Google Search. 

How to set up utilities for the first time as a foreigner

Setting up utilities as a foreigner can be stressful, especially if it’s your first time. 

Many major utility providers have an English application for you to fill out to start using their service.

How to set up electricity in Japan

Setting up electricity in Japan is relatively easy. You can apply for your electricity either by calling or by applying online.

Depending on where you live, you can combine your electricity and gas utilities under one bill. Not only that, but you also get a slight discount on the overall amount, and it's just easier to keep track of one invoice.

When applying for electricity, you'll need to decide the amperage or the amount of electricity, which will form the basis of your plan rate. The standard is 30 amperage, but the electricity company may offer different plans to accommodate different lifestyles.

Depending on the property, a staff worker may come to use the breaker to turn on the electricity and check the meter. In other cases, you may be able to turn on your electricity yourself.

Remember to pay your electric bill. Otherwise, there’ll be a late fee, and worst case, your electricity will be cut off.

Common electricity providers in Japan

Here are common electricity company providers that many foreigners use:

How to set up gas in Japan

There are two types of gas to be aware of in Japan: 

  • City gas (都市ガス)

  • Liquid propane (LP Gas or LPガス)

Natural gas is provided by the city, and it is generally cheaper than LP gas. 

When applying for gas in Japan, you will also need to schedule a date for a staff worker to come to turn on and test your gas line. You will need to be home for this test, and it should take less than 20 minutes.

Unless your property is all-electric (オール電化), be sure to have your gas all set up when you move in so that you can have running hot water.

Additionally, consider jointly signing up for gas and electricity and combining their cost into one bill.

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Common gas utility providers 

How to set up water in Japan

In Japan, your prefecture or local municipality provides your water service. So, complete the application with your local water bureau.

The application to start and stop the water service is usually online, and you can use your browser's translation feature if you are having trouble in Japanese.

Depending on the property, it might already have running water, but you still must apply for a water service contract under your name.

When you move out, you'll need to cancel your contract so that you won't be charged for the next tenant's running water.

Common water utility providers

Setting up utilities for an akiya house

Akiya houses are fairly complicated to set up as the utility service workers will need to come to the property to see if the property has a functioning setup.

For example, service workers will check if there's pipes for water and sewage, correct electrical wiring, and pipes for gas.

Having strong Japanese skills to communicate will help you understand the situation and schedule any future renovations.

However, if you can’t speak Japanese, then MailMate is for you! MailMate will help you get insured for fire and other natural disasters, set up your water, electricity, and gas utility, get you high-speed internet, and schedule maintenance for your land.

Paying your utility bills in Japan

Your utility costs depend on how much energy or water is used during the month. Depending on your preference, there are three ways to pay your bills in Japan.

1. Paying in person

Your utility bills in Japan are delivered to your mailbox every month or two. Usually, gas and electricity bills are delivered monthly, while water can be delivered once every two months.

A saibu gas bill example

 A Seibu gas bill example

The easiest way to pay these paper utility bills is at any konbini in Japan. Show the staff the bill; they’ll scan the barcode, and then you'll pay the amount.

The bill with a payment date stamp will be handed back to you. It acts as proof that you've completed the payment.

2. Automatic withdrawal

This payment option includes bank transfer, as well as credit card, debit card, or online banking. You can pay via this option by switching the payment method on your account.

What's great is that you'll never miss a payment. The only downside is that you need a Japanese bank account and card to register.

3. MailMate

If you temporarily leave the country and don't want to contact your utility companies or need a bill payment service while you’re away, MailMate has your back.

MailMate's virtual mailbox dashboard

MailMate will receive your redirected mail to their scanning location, and your utility bills will be uploaded to your online dashboard. If you would like, MailMate will even pay the bill for you.

Frequently asked questions

How do I activate electricity in Japan?

You need to apply for electricity in your city or ward. After receiving a confirmation email, you can start using electricity. Depending on your area and building, someone might come to your residence to do some electricity checks. 

How much are utilities per month in Japan?

The average cost of utilities for someone in Japan can range from 6,000 yen to 12,000 yen, depending on where you live in Japan and the time of year. 

How do you connect gas in Japan?

You need to register with a gas company in your area. Afterward, a staff member will come to check and activate your gas.

In closing

Setting up utilities in Japan is crucial when transitioning into your new home. You need to know the process and take the time to plan efficiently to schedule these utilities so that you can use them right away when you move in.

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