How to Use A Japanese Washing Machine: An Easy Guide

Last Updated: October 22nd, 2024
How to Use A Japanese Washing Machine: An Easy Guide

Moving to a different country is a new experience, including laundry!

One of the biggest culture shocks I had to overcome was learning how to do laundry in Japan.

This article covers everything from learning how to use a Japanese washing machine, drying, and more. 

Japanese washing machine buttons

There are two common types of Japanese washing machines: top-loading and front-loading machines. 

Your washing machine can also act as a dryer, though many Japanese households only have a washing machine.

washing machine

Japanese washing machine buttons into 6 main buttons:

  • 電源 (Power): The power button. 入 for on. 切 for off.

  • コース (Course): The different types of washing cycles depending on your laundry.

  • 行程 (Cycle): Shows which stage of your machine's washing process is currently in. 洗い for washing, すすぎ for rinsing, 脱水 for spinning/drying.

  • 水量 (Water volume): Press to adjust the amount of water used for the wash cycle.

  • 予約 (Timer): Set a delayed start for your laundry cycle. Allows you to have just finished laundry at a convenient time.

  • (スタート/一時停止) Start/Pause: To start and pause the wash.

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How to use Japanese washing machine: step-by-step

1. Turn on the washing machine.

Look for the 電源 button. Your machine might have 入 for on and 切 for off.

2. Select the course that you want.

There are many different courses to choose from.

washing machine

Here are the most common Japanese watching machine course settings to choose from:

おまかせ (Automatic)

General or basic washing cycles for most clothes.

すすぎ1回 (One rinse cycle)

The wash cycle will only do one rinse cycle instead of two.

香りしっかり (Fragrance saver)

The machine will alert you to add fabric softener for optimal scent.

急ぎ (Speed wash)

A quick washing cycle.

つけおき (Soak)

Allows laundry to soak in soapy water to remove tough stains.

毛布 (Blankets)

More water and a longer cycle are used to fully wash futons or blankets.

手洗い / ドライ (Delicates)

Adjusts machine rotation and agitation for delicate items.

槽カビ予防 (Washing basin mold prevention)

Use the manufacturer’s guidelines to prevent mold build-up.

槽洗浄 (Washing basin cleaning)

Use an approved cleaner from the manufacturer for this cleaning function.

送風乾燥 (Ventilation drying)

High-speed rotation creates airflow to remove moisture.

3. Select the amount of water to use.

Most courses allow you to select the amount of water you need depending on how much land you have. Depending on your machine, it can be as low as 12L to almost 50L.

Please note that Japan mainly uses cold water to wash their clothing.

4. Pour the laundry detergent into the washing machine.

Japanese laundry detergent can be a little confusing, but here are 4 translations to help you distinguish between detergent, softener, and more. 

  • 洗剤: Laundry detergents

  • 柔軟剤: Fabric softeners

  • 柔軟剤配合: Laundry detergents containing fabric softener

  • 衣料用漂白剤: Bleach for clothing

Additionally, your washing machine might have to be in separate locations to load detergent and fabric softener. Refer to your machine's manual to find the correct compartments. 

Separate compartments for detergent and softener

Separate compartments for detergent and softener | Translated Tochiba’s Laundry Machine AW-80DF Model

5. Close the lid.

Make sure your laundry items fit when the lid is closed.

Press スタート button and your washing machine will still operate. 

How to dry your laundry in Japan

Learning how to dry my laundry without a dryer is one of the biggest culture shocks I have overcome and needed to develop new laundry habits.

It varies depending on where you live. Some high-rise or upscale apartments have rental agreement rules about hanging clothes. Some will allow it, and others only allow you to use drying racks if the clothing is not visible to outside neighbors. In certain cases, outdoor drying is prohibited.

A common method is to dry your clothes in your bath unit, especially if it has a built-in heated air dryer vent. 

An alternative to drying your clothes is having a machine with washing and drying functions. However, that takes more electricity, and those machines are more expensive. 

Coin laundry machine in Japan

Many coin laundromats exist in Japan, and they are especially useful when you have large or bulky laundry items that do not fit in your regular washing machine. 

A major plus to coin laundries is washing and drying machines in one location.

How to use a coin laundry machine in Japan

Many coin laundry machines use 100 yen coins, and there are machines to exchange larger bills.

The typical cost for a wash cycle is about 300 to 500 yen for about 40 minutes.

It'll cost 100 yen for about 10-15 minutes of drying for dryers. However, be careful, as Japanese dryers are less powerful than the ones you are used to. So it'll take longer for your clothes to dry.

In closing

Doing laundry in Japan can be daunting at first, especially when learning how to use a Japanese washing machine for the first time. But once you understand the basics, it'll become routine like anywhere else.

Happy washing!

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