What Is the Important Matters Explanation Document When Buying a Property?

The Important Matters Explanation Document is a written document that is used in real estate transactions such as sales and leases. It outlines critical information about the property and transaction terms. Under Article 35 of the Real Estate Transaction Business Act, a certified real estate transaction agent must provide this document, and explain the contents orally to the buyer before signing the contract. The document ensures that the buyer, who might lack specialized knowledge, can fully understand the terms and proceed with the transaction confidently.
What Does It Cover?
The contents of the Important Matters Explanation Document are as follows.
1. Real Estate Company Information
The document must contain information about the seller real estate company (or an individual).
The following real estate agency information is required:
License number
License date
Business location
Business name
Name of representative
Information on the real estate agent who will explain important matters (Name, registration number, address, and phone number of the office)
When explaining the contents of the Important Matters Document, the real estate agent must present his/her “real estate agent certificate.”
2. Details About the Property

The document contains information about the property such as the address, size, type of ownership rights, legal restrictions, infrastructure availability, disaster warning designations, building performance inspections, and inspection results.
Land Information
Location and lot number
Classification of land category
Types of rights
Percentage of land rights (Ownership ratio)
Remarks etc.
Building Information
Housing type
Total floor area
Details of the area if the building has private areas
When explaining the contents of the Important Matters Explanation Document, details about the land need to be confirmed by using maps.
If necessary, the building details should be checked with the blueprint of the building to ensure that there are no errors.
Matters related to registration are transcribed from the rights section of the registration certificate (登記簿謄本 - Toukibo-Tohon).
Legal Restrictions
This section states legal restrictions on real estate, such as the City Planning Act and the Building Standards Act.
The main restrictions are as follows:
City Planning Act
Area classification
Development and construction activities in urbanization control areas
Urban planning roads, etc.
Building Standards Act
Zone classification
Building-to-land ratio
Floor-area ratio
Height restrictions
Area and road restrictions
Restrictions on sunlight and shade, etc.
Infrastructure Development Status
The document includes the following information about infrastructure related to daily life (electricity, gas, drinking water, and sewerage):
Piping installation status
Piping maintenance status
Whether there are plans to install piping or not
If maintenance is planned, the planned implementation date and cost
Remarks etc.
Disaster Hazard Zones
A disaster warning area is an area that is recognized as posing a harmful risk to the residents due to a disaster.
This section explains information about disasters to be wary of in the area. It is recommended to check and confirm where the property is located on the hazard map.
Building Performance Evaluation and Investigation
The document includes information on the status and results of evaluation and investigation such as building condition inspections, housing performance evaluations, and earthquake resistance diagnosis.
Building Condition Inspection
Implementation status
Summary of inspection results
Asbestos usage, etc.
Housing Performance Evaluation
Whether the property is eligible for evaluation or not
Housing performance evaluation report
Housing performance indication, etc.
Earthquake Resistance Diagnosis
Implementation status
The earthquake resistance standard applied (whether new standard or old standard)
Contents of earthquake resistance diagnosis
Name of the institution that carried out the seismic assessment, etc.
For buildings other than new construction, you will need to indicate whether a building condition inspection has been conducted within the past year or not, and a summary of the inspection results.
3. Transaction Terms
The Important Matters Explanation Document lists matters related to transaction terms such as the price, payment method, delivery date, contract cancellation terms, deposit money, penalties for breach of contract, etc.
Transaction Fees
This section includes the various transaction fees agreed upon between the buyer and seller.
Purchase price
Settlement fees (fixed property tax, repair reserve fund, management fee, etc.)
Contract Termination
This section includes conditions and methods of contract termination and the arrangements that will be made in the case of termination.
This section states the deposit preservation measures.
4. Other Clauses

There are other sections listed about loan usage terms, provisions regarding liability for non-conformity, and conditions for rescinding or breaching the contract.
This section in the Important Matters Explanation Document includes information about the loan such as whether or not the real estate company will mediate mortgages, and the deadline for obtaining loan approval.
Name of the financial institution
Loan amount
Interest rate
Loan period
Repayment method
Guarantee fee
Administrative fee
Liability for Non-Compliance with Contract
This section lists matters related to the seller’s responsibility in cases where the facts stated in the contract are false.
Defects and imperfections that the seller must notify in advance
Seller’s responsibility
Measures to be taken in the case of non-compliance with the contract
Guarantees and insurance contracts, etc.
Condominium Ownership
If the property is a condominium, the important matters on the Condominium Ownership Act must be explained.
Types of rights
Details of management regulations and usage rules for common areas
Contents of management regulations and usage rules for exclusive use areas
Contents of management regulations and usage details regarding exclusive use rights
Monthly repair reserve fund amount, overdue amount, and total amount
Monthly management fee and overdue amount
Expenses other than repair reserve funds and management fees
Information on the management contractor and management form
Records of repair work implementation
Repair work plan
Other Special Provisions
This section summarizes important information that the seller should communicate to the buyer in addition to those mentioned above.
Whether or not there are cemeteries, crematoriums, landfills, sewage plants, or factories that manufacture hazardous materials, etc.
Whether or not there are separate costs to be paid
Information about neighborhood associations and city associations
Precautions regarding the surrounding environment, etc.
Checklist for The Important Matters Explanation Document
It is important to read and understand the entire contents of the document, but there are some particular points to check.
Check for existing mortgages or provisional registrations on the Real Estate Register
Confirm the property is free from encumbrances before the transaction
Check information such as the property’s location, size, and ownership rights against public records or registries
Check restrictions on expansion or renovation, zoning regulations, building-to-land ratio, floor area ratio, and any other legal constraints to ensure the property can be used as desired
Check the status of utilities such as electricity, gas, water, sewage, along with their supply methods, and whether any additional costs are required
Review monthly fees, plans for major renovations, parking rights, and restrictions on common areas
Confirm conditions for canceling the purchase agreement without penalties (e.g., if a loan is denied)
Understand the terms for earnest money and its refund conditions
Identify latent defects, warranties, or broken items
Investigate past incidents or potential hazards
Check for planned construction in the area that could impact property use
Review prior uses of the land for potential contamination risks
In the case of an apartment building, check the apartment building management regulations and usage details
Check if the property is designated within landslide warning areas, flood-prone areas, or other disaster-risk zones
Verify any additional information that may influence the purchase decision
In Closing
The Important Matters Explanation Document is a vital resource for ensuring transparency and understanding in real estate transactions. By carefully reviewing its contents and clarifying any concerns with your real estate agent, you can protect your interests and proceed with confidence.
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