A Simple Reentry Permit Guide for Japan For Foreign Resident

Last Updated: July 11th, 2024
A Simple Reentry Permit Guide for Japan For Foreign Resident

Are you leaving Japan? 

Before you temporarily or permanently leave the country, you should know about the return process. 

Here, we cover these reentry permits for foreign nationals living in Japan.

Do I need a reentry permit for Japan?

If you are a foreign national living in Japan and want to leave, you must apply for a reentry permit. This permit allows you to re-enter Japan without needing a new visa within the valid period of the permit. 

If a foreign national leaves Japan without a reentry permit, they can lose their residence status and have to apply for a new visa.

There are two types of reentry permits: 

  • Regular reentry permit: for those leaving Japan for more than one year but less than five

  • Special reentry permit: for those leaving Japan in less than a year.

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Regular re-entry permission

What is a reentry permit?

Japan Re-entry Permit Stamp example

Japan Re-entry Permit Stamp example

A reentry permit in Japan allows foreign nationals to leave and return without losing their residency status. There is a single entry, which allows you to re-enter Japan once, and multiple entries, which allow you to enter as many times as you want. 

The regular reentry permit is valid for up to 5 years, 6 for special permanent residents. 

This reentry permit requires a little preparation beforehand. However, applicants are usually approved on the same day of the application.

Where do you apply for a reentry permit in Japan?

Before leaving Japan, you can apply for a reentry permit at your local Immigration Information Center or Regional Immigration Services Bureau.

Documents for Japan's reentry permit

Here is what you need when applying for a reentry permit;

A single re-entry permit allows you to leave and re-enter Japan once. Afterward, the permit becomes invalid. It's good for those leaving Japan for longer than a year.

The multiple re-entry permit allows you to leave and re-enter Japan multiple times, which is ideal for those who frequently travel outside of Japan and need to return occasionally. 

Once the application is processed, you will receive the reentry permit in your passport. 

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Special re-entry permission

What is a special reentry permit?

The special reentry permit allows foreign residents in Japan to leave temporarily and return within one year without applying for the regular reentry permit.

There is no application process and no fee for the special reentry permit. Instead, you pick up an embarkation and disembarkation card for re-entrants (this paper is the special reentry permit) during security clearance at the airport.

How to fill out Japan’s special re-entry permit paper slip

How to fill out Japan’s special re-entry permit paper slip

Like the regular reentry permit, foreign residents can leave Japan and return without losing residency status.

Where do you get a reentry permit at the airport?

After passing through security, you can pick up the special reentry permit at the counter labeled "Embarkation Card for Re-entrants / 再入国EDカード."

This paper is the special reentry permit on which you indicate your intention to return to Japan within a certain period. 

Documents for the special reentry permit

Bring your residence card to the airport and pick up the special reentry permit after passing through security. 

Then, the staff at the departure counter will check everything before letting you pass to get to your gate. 

Can I leave Japan after 90 days and come back?

You relinquish your residency status when a foreign resident leaves Japan without a reentry permission slip. Before returning to Japan, you would need to apply for a new visa.

For those on a tourist visa, you can leave Japan after 90 days and come back. However, you can only have been in the country for up to 180 in the last 12 months. 

Frequently asked questions

How many times can I use a reentry permit?

There is no official limit on how many times you can use the reentry permit so long as you apply for multiple entries. Japan's special reentry permit also does not have a usage limit. 

In closing

Whether you choose between the regular or special reentry permit, you won't have to go through getting a new visa as long as you have any of these reentry permits for Japan.

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