Software Updates #02: Auto-Open

Last Updated: July 10th, 2024
Software Updates #02: Auto-Open

Hello, hello! It’s been over a month since our first-ever software update, and we’re aiming to make this regular because the updates keep rolling out… 🥰

Auto-open function

Previously, all our Mail users had to manually hit the “open it” button for each piece of received mail. 

And then an enterprising user suggested an “auto-open” feature that would allow Mail staff to automatically open each piece of mail as it comes in. 

Pretty soon the Auto-Open feature was born, which bypasses the need to request for your mail to be opened!

What this means for you: If you select the “Auto-Open Mail” option, MailMail staff can now open any received mail on your behalf, and we won’t need to wait for you to go into the dashboard and manually press the open button for each item, which lets you take action quickly on important mail.

TokyoMate Mail: auto-open function

How to access this feature from the dashboard: 

Go to Settings --> General section and scroll to the bottom. 

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