Japanese Business Glossary

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白色申告 (shiroiro shinkoku) refers to "white tax return" in Japan. It is a simplified tax filing system for individuals who are self-employed or have other non-salaried income. Unlike the blue tax return (青色申告), which offers more benefits and requires detailed bookkeeping, the white tax return involves less stringent record-keeping and fewer reporting requirements. This system is generally easier for small business owners and freelancers to manage, but it offers fewer tax deductions and benefits compared to the blue tax return. Filing a shiroiro shinkoku involves reporting income and expenses to the tax authorities, ensuring that all taxable income is accurately declared.

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借用書 (shakuyousho) is a loan agreement or promissory note in Japan. It is a written document that records the details of a loan transaction between a lender and a borrower. This document typically includes information such as the amount of money borrowed, the interest rate, repayment terms, and the due date for repayment.

The purpose of a shakuyousho is to provide a clear and legally binding record of the loan agreement to protect both parties' interests. It helps to avoid misunderstandings or disputes by clearly outlining the terms and conditions agreed upon by the lender and the borrower.

In addition to financial loans, shakuyousho can also be used for other types of borrowing, such as borrowing goods or equipment. The document serves as proof of the borrower's obligation to return the borrowed items or repay the loan according to the specified terms.

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適格請求書発行事業者番号 (tekikaku seikyūsho hakko jigyosha bango) refers to the Qualified Invoice Issuer Number in Japan. This number is assigned to businesses that are registered to issue qualified invoices under the new Japanese consumption tax invoice system, also known as the Qualified Invoice System or インボイス制度.

Starting from October 1, 2023, Japan implemented this system to ensure proper documentation and transparency in transactions subject to consumption tax. Businesses that issue qualified invoices must register and receive this number. The invoices they issue must include specific details, such as the issuer's Qualified Invoice Issuer Number, to allow the purchaser to claim input tax credits accurately.

The system aims to improve the accuracy of tax reporting and compliance by providing clear and standardized documentation for taxable transactions. This helps businesses correctly calculate and report their consumption tax obligations.

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事業 (jigyo) refers to a business, enterprise, or project in Japan. It encompasses any organized activity conducted with the aim of generating revenue, providing services, or producing goods. The term can apply to a wide range of activities, from small-scale individual ventures to large corporations and government projects.

In a business context, jigyo can include various aspects such as planning, production, marketing, sales, and management. It implies a structured approach to achieving specific goals and often involves strategic planning, resource allocation, and operational management.

For example, a company might engage in multiple business activities, each representing a different line of business or area of operation, such as manufacturing, retail, or technology services. The success of a business activity depends on effective management, market demand, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions.

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記帳 (kicho) refers to bookkeeping in Japan. This process involves recording financial transactions and maintaining accurate financial records for a business or individual. Bookkeeping is a fundamental aspect of accounting and financial management, ensuring that all monetary transactions are systematically documented and organized.

The tasks involved in kicho include recording income and expenses, tracking assets and liabilities, and maintaining ledgers and journals. This practice helps businesses monitor their financial health, prepare financial statements, and comply with tax regulations.

Accurate bookkeeping is essential for effective financial management, enabling businesses to make informed decisions, plan for the future, and ensure transparency in their financial dealings. It also plays a crucial role in audit processes and financial reporting.

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更改 (kokai) refers to renewal, revision, or amendment in Japan. This term is commonly used in various contexts to indicate changes or updates to existing agreements, contracts, policies, or documents.

In a business or legal context, kokai might involve renewing a lease, revising contract terms, or amending bylaws. It signifies an official change or update that is recognized and recorded to ensure all parties are aware of the new terms or conditions.

The process of kokai ensures that agreements remain current and relevant, reflecting any new circumstances or mutual agreements between the involved parties.

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