Japanese Business Glossary

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副作用 (fukusayo) translates to "side effect" in English. It generally refers to unintended and often undesirable effects that occur in addition to the intended effect of a treatment, medication, or action. For example, in the context of medication, fukusayo can include symptoms like nausea, dizziness, or allergic reactions that are not the primary purpose of the drug but occur as a consequence of its use.

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開示 (kaiji) means "disclosure" or "release" in English. In the context of business and legal matters, it refers to the act of making information available to the public or to specific parties. This can include financial statements, company activities, and other relevant information that stakeholders, investors, or regulatory bodies need to know.

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付記 (fuki) is a Japanese term that translates to "annotation" or "addition." In the context of company incorporation and legal documents, 付記 typically refers to an additional note or supplementary information added to a document. This can include explanations, clarifications, or extra details that are not part of the main content but are necessary for a complete understanding of the document.

For example, in the registration of a company, fuki might be used to add specific details about the company's activities, changes in the company's structure, or other important information that needs to be officially recorded.

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親戚 (shinseki) in Japanese means "relatives" or "extended family." It refers to family members beyond the immediate nuclear family, including aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and other related individuals.

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便宜上 (benigi-jo) is a Japanese term that translates to "for convenience" or "for practical reasons." It is used to describe actions or decisions made to simplify matters or for the sake of convenience. This phrase often implies that the action or decision is not necessarily ideal or perfect but is chosen because it is easier or more practical under the circumstances.

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都民共済 (tomin kyosai), Metropolitan Residents' Cooperative Insurance, is a cooperative insurance organization based in Tokyo, Japan. It was established in March 1983 and operates under the authorization of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Tomin Kyosai provides a variety of insurance services to its members, including medical insurance, personal accident coverage, and third-party liability insurance. They offer affordable premiums and comprehensive plans, including specialized coverage for children that encompasses medical expenses, disability, death, and liability for damages caused to third parties.

Furthermore, tomin kyosai includes bicycle insurance, addressing the increasing number of bicycle accidents and claims. This insurance can provide up to 300 million yen in coverage for personal liability per incident.

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