Say Goodbye to Paper Clutter: 5 Reasons to Use Virtual Mail

Last Updated: July 10th, 2024
Say Goodbye to Paper Clutter: 5 Reasons to Use Virtual Mail

A great virtual mail service helps you go paperless, simplify workflow, access and avoid missing important mail, and delegate tasks. 

A virtual mailbox service such as Mailmate categorizes, scans, and uploads incoming mail to the cloud. With just one click, you can access the digital copies of your mail anywhere, anytime, and from any device.

In this article, we’ll explain five interesting reasons why a virtual mailbox is helpful, with an added bonus of how virtual mailboxes work, their benefits, and how to sign up for one at Mailmate

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Five reasons virtual mailboxes are useful 

1. Simplify your workflow

Virtual mailboxes streamline your life and workflow by making sure you don't need to physically archive all your documents. 

You only need to authorize our Mailmate support team to open the mails and scan your documents. We’ll have all documents uploaded securely to the cloud.

2. Access your mail anywhere 

Suppose you are a business owner or frequent traveler who cannot be physically present at a registered mail address to receive mail. In that case, a virtual mailbox ensures all of your mail is accessible anywhere, anytime. 

This is especially useful if you are working with a team and would like to give everyone on the team remote access to your mail.

mail documents

3. Delegate trivial tasks 

With a virtual mailbox service, you can delegate the payment of bills to a virtual mailbox service such as Mailmate. Mailmate will send you a notification to open your scanned mail. Then, you can let our Mailmate support team know what to do with your mail; either paying the bills, shredding, or archiving them.

4. Save time and be more productive

All of your mail is searchable with key data. You'll have access to all of your accumulated mail, possibly even several years worth, and still easily find what you're looking for with simple keywords. 

5. Avoid having late or missing mail

  • Unpredictable weather and air delays

In many cases, major weather disasters can lead to mail delays because of inaccessible roads, human resources difficulties, and power outages.

Using a virtual mail service, you'll have a specialized team help you reach out to the delivery company's support. Especially if you are living in Japan, it will save you a lot of stress to have someone fluent in Japanese asking necessary questions like whether there are any weather-related delays creating service disruptions in your delivery region.

  • Incorrect address information and absence

Delays can occur if your postal worker cannot locate your address. Mail might be delayed for days or weeks if the address, zip code, or suite number is incorrect. If you are not physically at the receiving location, your mail could even get returned to the postal office.

To avoid the hassles, you can sign up for a mailbox at Mailmate where your mail never gets lost and is securely stored. 

Spend more time enjoying Japan 🍺
...And less time struggling with your Japanese mail. Get all your Japanese mail handled and conbini bills paid with Japan's #1 bilingual virtual mail service.
By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Handling of Personal Information.

How can Mailmate help you?  

Mailmate provides a secured virtual mailbox service that: 

  • Promptly provides high-resolution PDF scans of your mail.

  • Safely shreds and recycles your mail. 

  • Continually stores your emails and documents in the cloud. 

  • Automatically deposits your checks. 

  • Conveniently forwards your mail

How can you sign up for a virtual mailbox at Mailmate? 

Step 1. Sign up for an account at Mailmate.

You'll have a 30-day money-back guarantee when you sign up for an account at Mailmate

Step 1. Request a consultation for your Japan mailbox, and then sign up!

Step 2. Redirect your mail to your Mailmate.

We will help you fill in the documents required to redirect your mails to us. As soon as the process is complete, you'll receive a notification whenever you have new scanned mail. 

Step 2. Get your mail redirected to your new address, located within our HQ.

Step 3. Check your mail online.

When new mail arrives, you can easily log into your mailbox and choose from a variety of next steps. You can request to have your mail stored, scanned, shredded, or paid (in the case of bill payments). 

Step 3. *Ping!* Get notified whenever we receive your mail.

Step 4. Pay your bills.

You can pay your bills with the "pay" button. Our virtual mail assistant will take care of your payment and get your documents processed. 

Step 4: TokyoMate Mail

By following these four steps, you're setting yourself up for success. You can save a lot of time and resources by automating your mail and having it securely and digitally stored.

Read more if you’re interested in: 

About MailMate! 📬
Get a virtual office address and all your mail handled (we’ll even pay your bills if you want) risk-free for 30 days with our 30-day moneyback guarantee.
By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Handling of Personal Information.

Spending too long figuring out your Japanese mail?

Virtual mail + translation services start at 3800 per month. 30-day money-back guarantee.

By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Handling of Personal Information.
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