Tammy Dang
Tammy Dang
Staff Writer
Tammy Dang is a staff writer at MailMate who has been living in Japan for 2 years and counting. She covers topics about being a student, living in Japan, and work experience to help others navigate their way through Japan.
How To Get A Japanese Phone Number: A Guide For Foreigners
Life in Japan December 6th, 2023

How To Get A Japanese Phone Number: A Guide For Foreigners

Need a Japanese phone number? You’ve come to the right place. Here is your guide on how to get a Japanese phone number guide.
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Tammy Dang
Tammy Dang Staff Writer
Japan Post Redelivery & More: Rescheduling Your Packages
Life in Japan, Japan Post November 27th, 2023

Japan Post Redelivery & More: Rescheduling Your Packages

Need to schedule a Japan Post redelivery or from another Japanese courier? Here is your how-to guide.
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Tammy Dang
Tammy Dang Staff Writer
14 Japanese Street Food Must-Eats & Where To Eat Them
Out and About November 8th, 2023

14 Japanese Street Food Must-Eats & Where To Eat Them

Try these 14 Japanese street foods you have to try and where to find them.
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Tammy Dang
Tammy Dang Staff Writer

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