Top 3 Reasons to Learn Japanese for Expats Living in Japan

Top 3 Reasons to Learn Japanese for Expats Living in Japan

Are you planning to move to Japan or visit Japan in the near future? Or are you already living in Japan and are looking to engage with your local community by learning Japanese? 

Perhaps you'd like to begin studying Japanese but are unsure of where to start? 

We've listed our top 3 resources to jumpstart your learning journey. We've also included the 3 most common reasons investing in Japanese learning is a good idea! 

Why should you invest in learning Japanese? 

First, let's understand some benefits of learning Japanese as a foreigner living and working in Japan. Or someone who plans to start a business in Japan.

1. To gain a broader understanding of Japanese culture and customs 

Learning Japanese provides a gateway for you to understand Japanese culture and customs.

Japan is rich in culture, history, and tradition, which the Japanese preserve and incorporate into present-day society.

Japanese family

Japanese people are raised to follow many traditions, which they learn from their families and while attending social institutions such as schools, social clubs, and the workplace. 

Hence, immersing oneself in Japanese culture is important for foreigners who did not grow up in Japan but wish to live a fulfilling life here.

To do this, understanding the Japanese language is considered a gateway language to enjoying Japan's rich culture. 

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2. To earn more job opportunities 

Japan's national language is Japanese. Even though English is included in the Japanese education system, it is not a compulsory subject.

Most Japanese people you encounter won't be fluent in English and will mainly be speaking Japanese at the workplace and at community events. 

How employees are taught to behave in japan

Therefore, if you'd like to participate in community activities, work in Japanese multinational corporations, get a work from home job for a Japanese company, or enjoy traveling and socializing, it's best to learn Japanese.

If you aren't looking to learn how to write Kanji—one of the Japanese writing systems—and you'd rather focus on your speaking skills, you can utilize our recommended resources mentioned later in the article.

3. To build a gateway to the Japanese business market 

Are you planning to start or bring a business to the Japanese market? Then we highly recommend you work on building your Japanese language skills. 

By being able to speak Japanese, even at a conversational level, you can show that you respect the Japanese people and are willing to do the work to earn Japanese customers' trust.

Having some Japanese language ability will help you find local business partners who may not be fluent in English or other Asian languages—but who could be vastly beneficial to what you want to accomplish.

Business in Japan

Additionally, knowing Japanese will allow you to more deeply understand aspects of Japan, such as the Japanese economy and Japan's global perspective through local news stations that don't broadcast in English.

In addition to this, having a phone call or a business meeting without always having to have an interpreter is convenient and will save you and your company money. 

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How to get started learning Japanese 

Perhaps you're convinced that you want to increase your Japanese language knowledge and dedicate yourself to language learning.

But what if you've never had to learn other languages, and you're wondering how to get started?

Here are the top 3 tips that will get you started as you begin your journey.

1. Find a Japanese tutor

Having a Japanese tutor to guide you through the learning process and grammar rules will help you stay on track, practice your speaking skills, receive personalized advice, and stay motivated to achieve your goals. 

An ideal Japanese tutor would be someone who can provide you with learning resources based on your needs and level. 

For instance, if you are a beginner and are looking to learn conversational Japanese, look for a tutor who can explain vocabulary and Japanese grammar in simple terms and in relation to how they can be used at a conversational level.

Someone who is also an English speaker is ideal. For beginners just starting out, talking to a tutor who cannot communicate effectively with you can be a challenge and discourage you from continuing to learn Japanese. 

You can use different channels to look for a tutor, such as online websites, language centers, or international centers. 

If you're looking to learn Japanese online, some websites that help you learn a foreign language twe'd recommend are: 

  • Reply - Online Japanese tutors and teachers for private lessons.

  • Italki - 1-on-1 lesson and new language community. 

  • Verbling - Find a teacher platform.

  • Amazing talker - Finding and matching students' & tutors' platforms.

2. Use Japanese textbooks and online materials 

In addition to having a private tutor, you can find a variety of textbooks and online learning resources available on the internet and in bookstores. 

We've compiled a list of easy and simple textbooks for beginner learners: 

If you're a visual or an auditory learner, you may find videos and podcasts more helpful to you as you go about mastering a second language. Here are some online resources to consider: 

For those who are interested in tackling Japan's kanji writing system, here are some books that will take you through the most commonly used Japanese written characters.

3. Watch movies and anime

Japan is known for its anime industry. Manga (Japanese comic books), anime (Japanese cartoons), video games, and light novels are not just an integral part of Japanese pop culture, they've also become a major part of pop culture abroad. 

Watching Japanese movies, dramas, and anime can significantly boost your listening skills. However, in addition to listening, you can also gain a basic understanding of Japanese culture, slang, and how to use Japanese in daily life.

If you don't have the opportunity to meet with Japanese speakers in your daily life, anyone with a Netflix subscription can partake in Japanese television shows and use that to boost your interest and knowledge of Japanese culture.

They are a great source of learning if you prefer something less academic and more fun. 

In closing

Learning a new language is a challenge, and there's no denying that the Japanese language is one of the most difficult languages out there to learn (at least, it can certainly feel that way!).

But the rewards are a deeper understanding of Japan's rich history, business etiquette, cultural differences, and a greater appreciation for Japan.

On the personal growth level and for your professional life, you can expect greater business opportunities gained, career opportunities widened, and so much more!

What is your favorite method of learning Japanese? What is prompting you to study Japanese?

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