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Glossary for Business Related Terms in Japanese

調整給   [chousei-kyuu] - an adjustment allowance

調整給 (chousei-kyuu) refers to an adjustment allowance or adjustment pay in Japan. This is a component of an employee's salary used to adjust for various factors that may not be covered by the basic salary.

Chousei-kyuu can be applied for several reasons, such as cost of living adjustments to account for changes in the cost of living, especially in different regions. It also includes market rate adjustments to align salaries with the prevailing market rates for similar jobs. Performance-based adjustments are used to reward or compensate for individual or company performance. Additionally, seniority adjustments reflect the employee's tenure or experience within the company.

Employers use chousei-kyuu to ensure that salaries remain competitive and fair, considering various economic and individual factors. It is a flexible component of the salary structure, allowing companies to address specific needs and circumstances that might arise.

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事業主   [jigyounushi] - a business owner or entrepreneur

事業主 (jigyounushi) refers to a business owner or entrepreneur in Japan. This term describes an individual who owns, operates, or manages a business. A jigyounushi is responsible for making key decisions, managing operations, and ensuring the success and growth of the business.

The role of a jigyounushi includes various responsibilities, such as overseeing financial management, marketing, human resources, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. They are also typically involved in strategic planning and may need to address challenges and opportunities that arise in the course of running their business.

Being a jigyounushi requires a combination of skills, including leadership, financial acumen, and an understanding of the market and industry in which they operate. It also involves a willingness to take risks and innovate to achieve business objectives.

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開業   [kaigyou] - the act of starting or opening a new business or practice

開業 (kaigyou) refers to the act of starting or opening a new business or practice in Japan. This term is commonly used when someone begins a new business venture, whether it be a small shop, a large company, or a professional practice such as a medical clinic or law firm.

The process of kaigyou involves several steps, including planning the business idea and developing a business plan, registering the business with the relevant government authorities, securing necessary permits and licenses, setting up the business location, arranging financing and managing initial capital investments, and hiring staff and organizing the operational aspects of the business.

Successful kaigyou requires careful planning, knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements, and effective execution of business strategies. It marks the beginning of a business journey and the formal entry into the market.

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売上高   [uriagedaka] - sales revenue or turnover

売上高 (uriagedaka) refers to sales revenue or turnover in Japan. It represents the total amount of money generated from the sale of goods or services by a business over a specific period. This figure is a key indicator of a company's performance and is often used to assess its financial health and growth.

Uriagedaka includes all income from primary business activities before deducting expenses such as costs of goods sold, operating expenses, taxes, and other financial obligations. It is typically reported on the income statement and is a critical metric for investors, managers, and stakeholders to understand how well the business is performing in generating sales.

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信販会社   [shinpan gaisha] - a credit company or consumer credit company

信販会社 (shinpan gaisha) refers to a credit company or consumer credit company in Japan. These companies provide various financial services, primarily focusing on consumer credit, including installment credit, personal loans, and credit card services.

Shinpan gaisha typically offer financing options for consumers to purchase goods and services on credit. They work closely with retailers and service providers to facilitate installment payments, allowing customers to pay for their purchases over time. This can include large items like appliances, vehicles, or other high-cost goods.

In addition to installment credit, shinpan gaisha may issue credit cards and offer personal loans, providing consumers with additional financial flexibility. These companies assess the creditworthiness of applicants, set credit limits, and manage repayment schedules.

Shinpan gaisha play a crucial role in the financial ecosystem by enabling consumers to access credit and manage their finances more effectively. They also contribute to the overall economy by supporting consumer spending and facilitating transactions.

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記載   [kisai] - the act of recording, writing down, or documenting information

記載 (kisai) refers to the act of recording, writing down, or documenting information. This term is often used in official and formal contexts to describe the inclusion or entry of specific details in documents, forms, records, or databases.

For example, when filling out an application form, you might see instructions to kisai your name, address, and other necessary details. In legal documents, kisai can refer to the detailed recording of agreements, terms, and conditions. In business and accounting, it involves documenting financial transactions and other relevant information accurately.

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