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Glossary for Real Estate Related Terms in Japanese

路線価   [rosenka] - standard land value

路線価 (rosenka) is a Japanese term referring to the standard land value used primarily for tax purposes. It is determined and published annually by the National Tax Agency.

Rosenka is used to calculate inheritance tax, gift tax, and property tax. It provides a standard reference for the value of land along major streets. The value is determined based on the price per square meter of land along a given street. This value is typically around 80% of the market value.

The National Tax Agency publishes rosenka values every year on July 1. These values are available for public viewing and can be accessed online. Rosenka helps ensure consistency and fairness in tax assessments. It is an essential tool for both tax authorities and landowners.

Understanding rosenka is crucial for anyone dealing with real estate, taxation, or inheritance matters in Japan.

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宅地   [takuchi] - residential land

宅地 (takuchi) refers to residential land or a building lot in Japan. This term describes land that is designated for residential use, where houses, apartments, or other types of dwelling structures can be built.

In urban planning and real estate contexts, takuchi is distinguished from other types of land use, such as commercial, industrial, or agricultural land. The zoning regulations and land use policies governing residential land determine what can be built on the land and how it can be used.

The value of takuchi can vary based on factors such as location, size, accessibility, and the availability of utilities and infrastructure. In densely populated areas, residential land tends to be more valuable due to higher demand. Understanding the classification and regulations of residential land is important for real estate transactions, property development, and urban planning.

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住宅ローン減税   [jutaku ron genzei] - Mortgage Loan Tax Deduction

住宅ローン減税 (jutaku ron genzei) refers to the "Mortgage Loan Tax Deduction" in Japan. This tax incentive is designed to promote home ownership by allowing individuals who have taken out a mortgage to purchase a residence to receive a deduction on their annual income tax. The deduction is typically a percentage of the remaining mortgage balance and can be claimed over a set number of years, often up to ten years. This reduction in taxable income helps to make home ownership more affordable by effectively lowering the overall cost of borrowing. To qualify for jutaku ron genzei, specific criteria must be met, including the use of the property as a primary residence and adherence to certain mortgage loan conditions.

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構築物   [kochikubutsu] - structures or constructions

構築物 (kochikubutsu) refers to structures or constructions in Japan. This term encompasses a wide range of man-made installations and built environments, including buildings, bridges, roads, tunnels, dams, and other infrastructure projects. Kochikubutsu is used in various contexts such as construction, real estate, civil engineering, and urban planning.

In the context of property and legal regulations, kochikubutsu includes both permanent and temporary structures that are constructed for residential, commercial, industrial, or public use. These structures are subject to building codes, safety standards, and zoning laws to ensure they meet the required specifications and are safe for use.

For accounting and tax purposes, kochikubutsu can be classified as fixed assets. Businesses and individuals must record the value of these assets in their financial statements and may be able to depreciate them over their useful lives, depending on tax laws.

Proper documentation, compliance with regulations, and maintenance of structures are crucial for ensuring their safety, functionality, and longevity. This ensures that the structures serve their intended purposes effectively and contribute to the overall infrastructure and development of the area.

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