Japanese Business Glossary

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表 (hyo or omote) is a Japanese term with multiple meanings, depending on the context in which it is used.

When pronounced hyo, it typically means "table" or "chart." In this sense, it refers to a structured format for organizing and displaying data or information, often in rows and columns. Tables and charts are commonly used in documents, presentations, and various fields such as business, education, and science to present information clearly and concisely.

When pronounced omote, it usually means "surface" or "front." It refers to the visible or outward part of something, as opposed to the hidden or back part. This can apply to physical objects, such as the front side of a building, or more abstract concepts, such as the outward appearance or public image of a person or organization.

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棄却 (kikyaku) is a Japanese term that translates to "dismissal" or "rejection" in English. It is often used in legal contexts to refer to the act of a court dismissing a case, motion, or appeal. When a case is kikyaku, it means that the court has decided not to consider the case further, often because it lacks merit, fails to meet legal standards, or does not present sufficient evidence.

Outside of legal contexts, kikyaku can also be used more generally to refer to the rejection or dismissal of an idea, proposal, or request. It implies a formal or definitive refusal to accept or proceed with something.

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保険料 (hokenryo) is a Japanese term that translates to "insurance premium" in English. It refers to the amount of money that an individual or entity pays to an insurance company in exchange for coverage under an insurance policy.

The insurance premium is usually paid on a regular basis, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on the terms of the policy. The amount of the premium is determined based on various factors, including the type of insurance, the level of coverage, the risk profile of the insured, and other relevant factors.

By paying the insurance premium, the insured gains financial protection against specific risks or losses, such as health issues, accidents, property damage, or other covered events. The premium is a crucial aspect of maintaining active insurance coverage and ensuring that the insured can receive benefits or compensation when needed.

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生活費 (seikatsuhi) is a Japanese term that translates to "living expenses" or "cost of living" in English. It refers to the money required to cover the basic necessities of daily life. These expenses typically include costs for housing, food, utilities, transportation, clothing, healthcare, education, and other essential goods and services.

Seikatsuhi can vary greatly depending on factors such as location, lifestyle, family size, and personal spending habits. Managing living expenses effectively is important for maintaining financial stability and ensuring that one can meet their basic needs. Understanding and budgeting for seikatsuhi is a key aspect of personal financial planning.

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仮想通貨 (kaso tsuka) is a Japanese term that translates to "virtual currency" or "cryptocurrency" in English. It refers to a digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security. Cryptocurrencies operate independently of a central bank and are typically decentralized, using blockchain technology to record and verify transactions.

Examples of kaso tsuka include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. These digital currencies can be used for a variety of purposes, such as online purchases, investment, and money transfers. The value of cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile, influenced by market demand, regulatory news, technological developments, and other factors.

Kaso tsuka is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional currencies and financial systems, offering potential benefits such as lower transaction fees, faster cross-border transactions, and increased privacy. However, it also poses challenges and risks, including regulatory uncertainty, security vulnerabilities, and market volatility.

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家内 (kanai) is a Japanese term that traditionally means "wife" in English. It is used to refer to one's spouse in a respectful and somewhat humble manner. The term literally translates to "inside the house," reflecting traditional Japanese cultural norms where the wife often managed household affairs.

In contemporary usage, while the term is still widely understood and used, some people may prefer more modern terms such as "妻" (tsuma) for "wife," as it does not carry the same traditional connotations. However, kanai remains a polite and commonly used way to refer to one's wife in Japan.

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