Japanese Business Glossary

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教示 (kyoji) means "instruction" or "guidance" in English. It refers to the act of teaching, instructing, or providing guidance and information to someone. It is commonly used in educational or professional contexts where specific directions or explanations are needed.

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名寄帳 (Nayose-cho), property registry or land and property ledger, is a registry system used in Japan for managing and organizing land and property information. It is maintained by municipal governments and provides a comprehensive record of property ownership, including details about land parcels, buildings, and the individuals or entities that own them.

The key functions of nayose-cho include property identification, which helps in distinguishing different land parcels and buildings within a municipality. It contains information about the owners of the properties, including their names and addresses. Additionally, the registry is used for tax assessment purposes, ensuring that property taxes are accurately levied based on ownership and property value.

For businesses or individuals involved in real estate transactions, nayose-cho is an essential document as it provides reliable information about property ownership and characteristics. Accessing this registry can help verify ownership and avoid potential legal issues related to property transactions.

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官公庁 (kankocho) refers to government offices or public agencies in Japan. This term encompasses various governmental bodies, including ministries, agencies, and local government offices. These organizations are responsible for implementing policies, regulations, and administrative functions within their respective jurisdictions. The term is often used to describe places where official government business is conducted, such as city halls, tax offices, and other administrative offices.

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The term 医療法人社団 (iryou houjin shadan), medical corporation association, refers to a type of medical corporation in Japan used to manage and operate medical institutions such as hospitals and clinics. It is established to provide medical services and can operate multiple medical facilities. Typically, it is a group or association of medical professionals, such as doctors and dentists, who come together to provide medical care.

These corporations are generally non-profit, meaning that any profits made are reinvested into the organization to improve medical services and facilities rather than being distributed to members. They are subject to strict regulations and must comply with the Medical Care Act in Japan, which governs the standards and operation of medical facilities.

Establishing an iryou houjin shadan involves obtaining approval from the relevant local government authorities, and there are specific requirements regarding the number of medical professionals involved and the nature of the medical services provided. Overall, iryou houjin shadan plays a crucial role in the Japanese healthcare system by ensuring that medical services are provided efficiently and ethically.

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処分 (shobun) is a Japanese term that generally translates to "disposal," "disposition," or "punishment," depending on the context in which it is used.

In the context of waste management or handling materials, shobun means getting rid of or disposing of items. For example, 廃棄物の処分 (haikibutsu no shobun) means disposal of waste.

It can refer to dealing with assets or property. For example, 資産の処分 (shisan no shobun) means the disposition of assets.

In a legal or disciplinary context, shobun can mean imposing penalties or sanctions. For example, 懲戒処分 (chokai shobun) means disciplinary action.

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The term 抵触 (teishoku) in Japanese means "conflict" or "contradiction." It is often used in various contexts, such as legal, social, or interpersonal situations, to describe a scenario where two or more things are in opposition or incompatible with each other. For example, it can refer to a conflict of interest, a contradiction in statements, or a violation of laws or regulations.

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