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Glossary for Insurance Related Terms in Japanese

雇用保険料   [koyo hokenryo] - employment insurance premiums

雇用保険料 (koyo hokenryo) refers to "employment insurance premiums" in English. These are the contributions paid by both employers and employees to fund the employment insurance system in Japan. The employment insurance system provides financial support to workers who become unemployed, helps them find new employment, and offers various other benefits such as training programs and subsidies for job seekers. The premiums are typically calculated as a percentage of the employee's salary and are deducted from their wages, with the employer also contributing a portion.

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厚生年金基金   [kousei nenkin kikin] - an employee pension fund system

厚生年金基金 (Kousei Nenkin Kikin) is an employee pension fund system in Japan that supplements the public pension scheme. It is designed to provide additional retirement benefits to employees, enhancing their financial security in old age. Managed by corporations or organizations, these funds are contributed to by both employers and employees. The collected funds are invested to grow over time, ensuring a stable income for retirees. This system is part of Japan's broader social security framework, aimed at supporting the aging population and mitigating the financial impact of retirement.

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雇用保険証   [koyo hokensho] - employment insurance certificate

雇用保険証 (koyo hokensho) refers to an "employment insurance certificate" in English. It is a document issued to employees in Japan who are enrolled in the national employment insurance system. This certificate serves as proof of enrollment and provides information about the employee's insurance status.

Employment insurance in Japan offers various benefits, including unemployment benefits, allowances for job training, and support for those who lose their jobs. The koyo hokensho is an important document for accessing these benefits and ensuring that employees receive the support they are entitled to under the employment insurance system.

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県民 共済   [kenmin kyosai] - Prefectural Residents' Cooperative Insurance

県民共済 (kenmin kyosai) refers to "Prefectural Residents' Cooperative Insurance" in English. It is a mutual aid insurance system in Japan that provides various types of insurance coverage, such as life insurance, health insurance, and accident insurance, to residents of a specific prefecture.

Kenmin kyosai is operated by cooperative societies in each prefecture and aims to offer affordable insurance options to its members. The insurance premiums are typically lower than those of private insurance companies, and the coverage includes a range of benefits to support residents in times of need. This system promotes mutual assistance and financial security among the residents of the prefecture.

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雇用保険番号   [koyo hoken bango] - employment insurance number

雇用保険番号 (koyo hoken bango) is a Japanese term that translates to "employment insurance number" in English. This number is assigned to individuals when they enroll in Japan's employment insurance system, which is known as 雇用保険 (koyo hoken).

The employment insurance number is used to manage and track an individual's employment insurance records, including their contributions and benefits. This system provides financial support to workers who are unemployed, helping them with income during periods of job transition and offering various employment assistance programs. The 雇用保険番号 is essential for both employers and employees to ensure proper management and access to employment insurance benefits.

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積立保険   [tsumitate hoken] - a type of savings insurance

積立保険 (tsumitate hoken) is a type of savings insurance in Japan. It combines the features of a savings account and a life insurance policy. Policyholders regularly pay premiums, which accumulate over time. This accumulated amount can be used as a savings fund, providing financial security and a potential return on investment. In addition to the savings component, tsumitate hoken also offers life insurance coverage. If the policyholder passes away during the policy term, a predetermined death benefit is paid to the beneficiaries. This dual nature of providing both savings and insurance makes tsumitate hoken a popular financial product for individuals looking to secure their future and protect their loved ones.

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