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Glossary for Life in Japan Related Terms in Japanese

看過   [kanka] - overlook

看過 (kanka) translates to "overlook" or "ignore" in English. It refers to the act of deliberately or unintentionally failing to notice, acknowledge, or address something.

In various contexts, overlook can imply negligence or the choice to ignore a problem, mistake, or wrongdoing. For instance, in a legal or administrative setting, overlook of a violation might lead to further issues or indicate a lack of due diligence. The term emphasizes the importance of attention and proper response to matters that require it.

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身体障害   [shintai shogai] - physical disability

身体障害 (shintai shogai) refers to a "physical disability" in English. This term describes impairments or conditions that affect a person's physical functioning, mobility, dexterity, or stamina. Physical disabilities can result from congenital conditions, injuries, illnesses, or other medical conditions.

People with shintai shogai may require various forms of assistance or accommodations to perform daily activities, such as mobility aids, medical devices, or accessible facilities. The term emphasizes the impact on the physical body and the need for support to enhance the individual's quality of life and ability to participate in society.

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通関   [tsukan] - customs clearance

通関 (tsukan) refers to "customs clearance" in English. This is the process by which goods are approved for import or export through a country's customs authorities.

Customs clearance involves the submission and verification of required documentation, payment of duties and taxes, and inspection of the goods to ensure compliance with relevant regulations. This process is essential for legal trade and helps to regulate and monitor the flow of goods across borders, ensuring that all import and export activities comply with national laws and international trade agreements.

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固定比率   [kotei hiritsu] - fixed ratio

固定比率 (kotei hiritsu) translates to "fixed ratio" or "fixed assets ratio" in English. In financial terms, it is a metric used to evaluate the proportion of a company's fixed assets to its total assets or equity.

This ratio helps assess how much of a company's resources are tied up in fixed assets, such as property, plant, and equipment, compared to its overall financial resources. A lower fixed assets ratio generally indicates a more flexible and liquid financial position, whereas a higher ratio might suggest higher long-term investments in fixed assets, which can impact liquidity and financial stability.

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放棄   [hoki] - abandonment

放棄 (hoki) is a Japanese term that translates to "abandonment" or "renunciation" in English. It is commonly used in legal and business contexts.

In business, hoki can refer to giving up certain rights, claims, or responsibilities. For instance, a company may 放棄 (renounce) certain claims in a legal dispute or hoki (abandon) a project or asset that is no longer viable or beneficial.

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取引先   [torihikisaki] - business partner

取引先 (torihikisaki) is a Japanese term that translates to "business partner" or "client" in English. It refers to companies or individuals with whom a business engages in transactions or has a business relationship. The term encompasses a wide range of business relationships, including suppliers, customers, distributors, and collaborators. Maintaining good relationships with 取引先 is crucial for business success, as these partnerships can significantly impact a company's operations and profitability.

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