Japanese Business Glossary

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懸賞 (kensho) refers to prizes or rewards offered in competitions, contests, or lotteries in Japan. These prizes can range from cash and gift cards to products or experiences. The term is commonly associated with various promotional activities and campaigns designed to attract customers or participants.

In a business context, companies often use kensho as a marketing tool to boost sales, increase brand awareness, or engage with their audience. Participants typically need to fulfill certain conditions, such as purchasing a product, answering survey questions, or submitting entries to be eligible for the prizes.

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製造業 (seizogyo) refers to the manufacturing industry in Japan. This sector encompasses a wide range of activities, including the production of goods in factories and plants. The manufacturing industry is a crucial part of Japan's economy, known for its high-quality products and advanced technology. It includes industries such as automotive, electronics, machinery, chemicals, and textiles.

The manufacturing industry in Japan is renowned for its efficiency, innovation, and strict quality control, making it a significant contributor to the country's economic growth and international trade.

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為替レート (kawase reto) is the Japanese term for "exchange rate." It refers to the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. Exchange rates are crucial in international trade and finance because they determine how much one currency is worth in terms of another currency.

Factors that influence exchange rates include interest rates, economic stability, inflation rates, and political stability. Higher interest rates offer lenders in an economy a higher return relative to other countries, attracting foreign capital and causing the exchange rate to rise. Countries with more stable economies tend to have stronger currencies. A lower inflation rate in a country compared to other countries will increase its currency's value. Countries with less risk for political turmoil are more attractive to foreign investors.

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海外FX (kaigai fx), overseas foreign exchange or overseas forex, refers to foreign exchange trading accounts offered by brokers based outside Japan. These brokers often provide higher leverage than domestic brokers, allowing traders to control larger positions with less capital. For example, some brokers offer leverage as high as 1,000:1 or more. A notable feature of overseas FX brokers is the zero-cut system, which protects traders from incurring negative balances. If a trader's losses exceed their account balance, the broker absorbs the loss, ensuring that the trader does not owe more than their initial deposit.

Many overseas brokers offer attractive bonuses for account opening and deposits, which can provide additional trading capital and are popular among traders. Despite being based abroad, numerous brokers offer customer support and services in Japanese, making it easier for Japanese traders to use their platforms without language barriers.

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関連会社 (kanren gaisha) refers to an "affiliated company" or "associated company." In Japan, this term is used to describe a company that has a certain level of relationship or connection with another company, typically through ownership stakes, business transactions, or shared management interests.

An affiliated company might be one in which another company holds a significant, but not majority, share of ownership. This could mean owning a minority share, often between 20% and 50%. Companies can also be considered affiliated if they have strong business ties, such as through joint ventures, significant supplier-customer relationships, or collaborative projects. Additionally, if companies share board members or senior management, they can be classified as affiliated due to the overlapping influence and interests.

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特約 (tokuyaku), special agreement or special provision, in Japanese refers to a special agreement, clause, or provision within a contract. It is an additional term that modifies or supplements the standard terms of the agreement.

Tokuyaku clauses are often used to address specific needs or circumstances that are not covered by the general contract terms. They can be tailored to meet the particular requirements of the parties involved.

For example, in a business context, a tokuyaku might specify special payment terms, delivery conditions, or other unique arrangements that are critical to the deal but are not part of the standard contract language.

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