Japanese Business Glossary

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法律 (horitsu) means "law" or "legal code" in English. It refers to the system of rules and regulations that are created and enforced by governmental institutions to regulate behavior, maintain order, and ensure justice within a society. Laws cover a wide range of areas, including criminal justice, civil rights, commercial transactions, and personal conduct. They are designed to provide a framework for social order and protect the rights and responsibilities of individuals and organizations.

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管轄 (kankatsu) refers to "jurisdiction" or "authority" in English. It denotes the scope or area of responsibility and control that an organization, institution, or legal body has over specific matters, regions, or types of cases. For instance, in legal contexts, it defines which court has the authority to hear a particular case. In administrative contexts, it refers to the areas or issues that a government agency or department is responsible for managing or overseeing.

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駆除 (kujo) means "extermination," "elimination," or "eradication" in English. It refers to the act of removing or destroying pests, such as insects, rodents, or other unwanted organisms. This term is commonly used in contexts like pest control, where measures are taken to get rid of pests that may cause harm or inconvenience in homes, agricultural fields, or other environments.

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借り上げ社宅 (kariage shataku) refers to "company-leased housing" or "corporate-leased housing" in English. It is a system where a company rents housing from the private market and then provides it to its employees as a part of their employment benefits. This arrangement often helps employees secure housing in expensive or difficult-to-rent areas and may offer financial advantages such as subsidized rent. The company typically manages the lease agreements and related administrative tasks, making it easier for employees to focus on their work and relocate as needed.

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所在地 (shozai-chi) refers to the "location" or "address" of a place or entity. It indicates the specific physical place where something is situated, such as the location of a company, an office, a building, or any other entity. This term is commonly used in formal contexts, such as legal documents, business registrations, and official records to specify where an entity is located.

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動産 (dosan) refers to "movable property" or "personal property" in English. It includes any property that can be physically moved from one place to another, such as furniture, vehicles, machinery, and equipment. This term distinguishes movable property from 不動産 (fudosan), which refers to "immovable property" or "real estate" like land and buildings. Movable property is typically subject to different legal and financial considerations compared to immovable property.

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