John Cross
John Cross
Expat at Mailmate
Canadian Expat living in Japan. I ended up at Mailmate after I forgot to pay my electricity bill once and they turned off the electricity in my apartment. They probably sent a warning in the mail but I don't think I would have recognized it.
Godo Kaisha vs Kabushiki Kaisha: Company Types in Japan
Business in Japan August 23rd, 2024

Godo Kaisha vs Kabushiki Kaisha: Company Types in Japan

When starting a business in Japan, entrepreneurs often find themselves facing a critical decision: whether to establish their company as a Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) or a Godo Kaisha (GK).
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John Cross
John Cross Expat at Mailmate
How We Think About Security
Mailmate Japan August 14th, 2024

How We Think About Security

At MailMate, security is woven into our company culture, driven by continuous awareness, clear intent, and the integration of privacy into our practices.
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John Cross
John Cross Expat at Mailmate
Virtual Offices in Japan, Explained [Updated 2024]

Virtual Offices in Japan, Explained [Updated 2024]

An A-to-Z guide of what to know up front before you make the switch.
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John Cross
John Cross Expat at Mailmate

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