Tomoko Matsuoka
Tomoko Matsuoka
Managing Editor & Writer
Tomoko Matsuoka is a managing editor and writer for MailMate, Shoeboxed, and a number of online resource libraries. She writes guides on life in Japan and covers Japanese business news, digitalization, and productivity tools and software.
10 Japanese Marketing Strategy Case Studies to Study & Steal
Business in Japan, Marketing in Japan December 14th, 2023

10 Japanese Marketing Strategy Case Studies to Study & Steal

Discover case studies of successful Japanese marketing campaigns. Find out how to get your business in front of audiences who haven't yet heard of you. 
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Tomoko Matsuoka
Tomoko Matsuoka Managing Editor & Writer
Famous Japanese Quotes on Success, Failures, Life and More
Life in Japan December 13th, 2023

Famous Japanese Quotes on Success, Failures, Life and More

10 celebrated Japanese and their thoughts on where to focus your obsession, how to recover from failure, the power of first-hand lessons, and much more.
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Tomoko Matsuoka
Tomoko Matsuoka Managing Editor & Writer
Nengajo: Japanese New Year Cards Guide for 2023
Life in Japan, Mail Trivia, Japan Post December 13th, 2023

Nengajo: Japanese New Year Cards Guide for 2023

Here’s everything you need to know about Japan’s year-end greeting exchange: History, how-tos, and your FAQs answered. 
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Tomoko Matsuoka
Tomoko Matsuoka Managing Editor & Writer

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