Your Mail Made Digital.

We receive it. Scan it. Translate it. Store it. Then, you can read it from anywhere in the world.

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Who We Are: The TokyoMate Story 

Virtual Assistants in Japan

August 3rd, 2020

Who We Are: The TokyoMate Story 

We’re obsessed with customer service. We’re in love with tech solutions that push Japan into the future. Above all, we are whole-heartedly dedicated to making it easier for you to live, work, and do business in Japan.
Amy Yamashita
Amy Yamashita Community Specialist

Spending too long figuring out your Japanese mail?

Virtual mail + translation services start at 3800 per month. 30-day money-back guarantee.

By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Handling of Personal Information.
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