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Glossary for Business Related Terms in Japanese

国際協力   [kokusai kyoryoku] - international cooperation

国際協力 (kokusai kyoryoku), or "international cooperation" in English, refers to collaborative efforts between countries to address global challenges and promote mutual benefits. This concept encompasses various forms of cooperation, including economic, technical, cultural, and humanitarian assistance. International cooperation aims to foster peace, stability, and sustainable development across nations by pooling resources, sharing knowledge, and working together on common goals. It often involves international organizations, governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and private sector entities collaborating to tackle issues such as poverty, environmental protection, education, health, and disaster relief. Through international cooperation, countries can leverage their collective strengths and expertise to create a more interconnected and resilient global community.

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署名   [shomei] - signature

署名 (shomei) means "signature" in Japanese. It refers to the act of signing one's name on a document to indicate agreement, approval, or authorization.

In legal and formal contexts, a shomei is often required to validate contracts, agreements, official forms, and other important documents. It serves as a confirmation that the person signing has read, understood, and accepted the contents of the document.

The term can also be used more generally to refer to the act of signing any written material.

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買掛金 売掛金   [kaikakekin urikakekin] - accounts payable - accounts receivable

買掛金 (kaikakekin) refers to "accounts payable." This is the amount of money a company owes to its suppliers or vendors for goods or services received but not yet paid for. It represents the company's obligation to pay off short-term debt to its creditors.

売掛金 (urikakekin) refers to "accounts receivable." This is the amount of money that a company has the right to receive from its customers for goods or services provided on credit. It represents the company's claim for payment from its clients.

These terms are fundamental in managing a company's cash flow, ensuring that it can meet its short-term obligations while also keeping track of incoming revenues.

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求償権   [kyushoken] - right of recourse

求償権 (kyushoken) refers to the "right of recourse" or "right of indemnity" in English. This legal right allows an individual or entity who has paid a debt or fulfilled an obligation on behalf of another party to seek reimbursement from the party originally responsible for the debt or obligation.

For example, if a guarantor pays off a loan on behalf of a borrower, the guarantor has the kyushoken to demand repayment from the borrower. This right ensures that the person who has taken on the financial burden or legal responsibility can recover their costs from the party that ultimately owes the obligation.

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海外 fx   [kaigai FX] - overseas foreign exchange trading

海外FX (kaigai FX) refers to "overseas foreign exchange trading" or "foreign exchange trading conducted with foreign brokers" in English. It involves trading currencies through brokerage firms that are based outside of Japan.

People choose overseas FX trading for various reasons, such as higher leverage options, lower transaction costs, a wider range of available trading platforms, and potentially more favorable trading conditions compared to domestic brokers. However, it also comes with higher risks, including less regulatory protection, potential language barriers, and different legal frameworks.

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動産   [dosan] - movable property

動産 (dosan) refers to "movable property" or "personal property" in English. It includes any property that can be physically moved from one place to another, such as furniture, vehicles, machinery, and equipment. This term distinguishes movable property from 不動産 (fudosan), which refers to "immovable property" or "real estate" like land and buildings. Movable property is typically subject to different legal and financial considerations compared to immovable property.

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