Japanese Business Glossary

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受理 (juri) refers to the acceptance or receipt of a document, application, or request by an official body or authority. This term is commonly used in administrative and legal contexts in Japan.

For example, when an individual submits an application for a business license, marriage registration, or legal document, the act of the relevant authority accepting and acknowledging the receipt of this submission is called juri. It signifies that the submission has been formally received and will be processed or considered according to the applicable rules and regulations.

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義援金 (gienkin) refers to monetary donations or contributions made to support disaster relief efforts or provide aid to individuals affected by emergencies, such as natural disasters or other crises. These funds are typically collected by government agencies, non-profit organizations, or charitable institutions and are used to offer financial assistance to victims, support recovery and rebuilding efforts, and provide essential resources like food, water, and medical supplies.

Gienkin is a common form of humanitarian support in Japan and is often mobilized quickly in response to disasters to help alleviate the immediate needs of those affected.

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給与 (kyūyo) refers to salary, wages, or compensation paid to employees for their work or services. This term encompasses all forms of monetary remuneration provided by an employer to an employee, including basic salary, bonuses, allowances, and other financial benefits.

Kyuyo is typically paid on a regular basis, such as monthly, and may also include additional components like overtime pay, transportation allowances, and other perks. In Japan, one's salary is subject to various deductions, including income tax, social insurance premiums, and other mandatory contributions. The term highlights the overall compensation package that employees receive for their labor.

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特定口座 (tokutei kōza) refers to a special type of securities account in Japan designed to simplify the tax reporting process for individual investors. These accounts are offered by securities firms and banks and provide a streamlined way to manage investments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

With a tokutei koza, the financial institution automatically calculates the capital gains and losses, and the necessary taxes are withheld at the source. This alleviates the investor from having to calculate and report these figures independently on their tax return. There are two main types of 特定口座: one with tax reporting (源泉徴収あり) and one without tax reporting (源泉徴収なし). The former further simplifies tax obligations by handling the tax payment directly, while the latter requires the investor to report and pay taxes on their own.

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泡盛 (awamori) is a traditional distilled alcoholic beverage from Okinawa, Japan. It is made from long-grain indica rice and uses black koji mold for fermentation, which is unique to this type of spirit. The production process involves fermenting the rice, distilling the liquid, and then aging it in clay pots or stainless steel tanks.

Awamori is known for its rich and robust flavor, which can vary depending on the length of the aging process. It is typically consumed straight, on the rocks, or mixed with water. Awamori has a long history and is an important part of Okinawan culture and tradition.

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居宅サービス (kyotaku sābisu) refers to in-home care services provided to elderly or disabled individuals in Japan. These services are part of the long-term care insurance system and are designed to support people who prefer to live in their own homes rather than move to a care facility.

Kyotaku service can include various types of assistance, such as home-visit nursing, home-visit bathing, home-help services (for daily activities like cleaning, cooking, and shopping), rehabilitation, and day-care services. The goal is to help individuals maintain their independence and improve their quality of life while staying in a familiar environment. These services are typically provided by licensed care professionals and are coordinated based on the individual's specific needs and care plan.

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