Tomoko Matsuoka
Tomoko Matsuoka
Managing Editor & Writer
Tomoko Matsuoka is a managing editor and writer for MailMate, Shoeboxed, and a number of online resource libraries. She writes guides on life in Japan and covers Japanese business news, digitalization, and productivity tools and software.
Showdown: Japan's Digital Agency versus Showa-Era IT 
Business in Japan, Life in Japan August 30th, 2021

Showdown: Japan's Digital Agency versus Showa-Era IT 

Digitization in Japan—1 piece of the story so far. Here’s what happened, what needs fixing, and what happens next.
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Tomoko Matsuoka
Tomoko Matsuoka Managing Editor & Writer
Survey Shows Awareness of SDGs in Japan at 50%

Survey Shows Awareness of SDGs in Japan at 50%

The survey measured awareness of keywords and daily consumption behaviors related to the SDGs and interest in and experience with ethical consumption and sustainability.
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Tomoko Matsuoka
Tomoko Matsuoka Managing Editor & Writer
9 English-Speaking Communities and Services for Startups in Japan

9 English-Speaking Communities and Services for Startups in Japan

Where can you go to get English-language support for your big startup idea for Japan? Need help with your paperwork or boots-on-the-ground implementation? Check out these options. 
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Tomoko Matsuoka
Tomoko Matsuoka Managing Editor & Writer

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