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Taxes Japan 2021: What to Know for This Year's Tax Season 

Money Matters in Japan

February 16th, 2021

Taxes Japan 2021: What to Know for This Year's Tax Season 

Your increased tax breaks, an extended tax return period for 2021, and other tax reforms you will be (generally) happy to hear about.
John Cross
John Cross Expat at Mailmate
Your Company's Phone Number: Who Answers It?  

Your Company's Phone Number: Who Answers It?  

In Japan, a recent survey shows customers have a distinct preference for speaking to a real person. Here's what that means for your Japan-based company or service.
Amy Yamashita
Amy Yamashita Community Specialist
What’s Ahead in 2021—Upcoming Money Matters to Know About in Japan

Life in Japan

February 1st, 2021

What’s Ahead in 2021—Upcoming Money Matters to Know About in Japan

Law amendments, doubled payouts, tax deductions, and lower phone bills—Japan’s financial planners and advisors are counseling clients on these 5 money matters, occurring in 2021. 
Tomoko Matsuoka
Tomoko Matsuoka Managing Editor & Writer

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