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English-Friendly Insurance for Emergencies in Japan

Life in Japan

July 11th, 2021

English-Friendly Insurance for Emergencies in Japan

Wondering what your best options are for English-speaking insurance in Japan? Today’s article looks at insurance companies that provide English support for their clients. 
John Cross
John Cross Expat at Mailmate
10 Stories of Japanese Phrases Lost in Translation 

Life in Japan

July 7th, 2021

10 Stories of Japanese Phrases Lost in Translation 

10 times you meant to say one thing but said something else instead. A compilation to help you feel better about whatever Japanese blunder you just made. You're not alone, and we can prove it.
MailMate Team
MailMate Team  Executive Updates
Tokyo-Based Luxurious Outdoor Options to Inspire Your Weekend Plans

Out and About Life in Japan

June 30th, 2021

Tokyo-Based Luxurious Outdoor Options to Inspire Your Weekend Plans

5 hand-selected options for those looking for holiday vibes packed into the space of a weekend—all accessible from Tokyo.
MailMate Team
MailMate Team  Executive Updates

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